Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum

You’ll notice one of two things when you stand outside of the Orlando Odditorium; either you had too much to drink the night before, or the building is actually sinking into the ground. The latter would be true in this case (although the former could be too, depending on how long the lines were at Disney). In this building, that appears to be caught in a sink-hole, is housed a portion of the vast collection of oddities that belonged to the late Robert Ripley. Robert Ripley acquired his collection through extensive and perilous travels to all corners of the globe. His purpose in his travels was always to discover and collect the rare, strange, and unbelievable.
Robert Ripley was on an adventure that lasted 40 years and took him all over the world. The world came to know of Mr. Ripley’s adventures through his printed works and his voice on radio. His legacy is the 27 Museums spread out across globe. Now, if you think that each museum is just a carbon copy of the one before it, think again. Every museum is over 90% unique. So, if you’ve gone to another Ripley’s Museum, you’re not going to see the same stuff twice. Be prepared to be amazed when you go to visit Ripley’s. The items on exhibit will definitely make you question whether to “believe it or not!” Just remember to save some money by ordering your tickets through Great Orlando Discounts.